Fixing this.
Pick three (3) short stories and submit the Title and Author to David Ples (09062720141,, YM: soul_geyser). You will do a written report, oral report, and a storytelling on three different stories. One story per requirement. This is a first come, first serve basis.
Written and Oral reports should include:
Book source
Publication Date
Why you liked/didn't like the story
Technicalities (Conflict, main character, tense, theme, etc. etc.)
The written report is due on August 28.
There should be no props nor costumes on your storytelling. It's just you and your voice.
Oral Report and Storytelling is due on your presentation date. Starting Monday, one boy and one girl will do their presentations. The rest (alphabetical) will follow every meeting after that. (ie. Monday - Adre, Beleran; Next meeting - Albao, Bernardo; and so on..)
Your own short story is due a week before Perio, or September 30.
August 2, 2009 at 12:41 AM
August 2, 2009 at 5:17 AM
nakakahilo na to..
August 3, 2009 at 3:46 AM
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Hi. :-h