Here's my present for you. :))
- RRL Map! Brown envelopes. :>
- Capsule proposal due on August 24.
- Sketch the grapsh of the following rational functions. Show complete solution. =]
- Bonus HW! Define a function (may be conditional) where the graph spells Sr. It should have atleast one rational function.
- Writing period on Monday!
- Next reporters (Cabanto, Deximo) will report on Monday, August 24.
- Original short story is due on August 28!
- Giancolli, 5th Ed. Chapter
5. (II) Graphically determine the resultant of the following three vector displacements: (1) 24 m, 30° north of east; (2) 28 m, 37° east of north; and (3) 20 m, 50° west of south.
31 m, 44° N of E
7. (II) Figure 3-33 shows two vectors, A and B, whose magnitudes are A = 8.31 units and B = 5.55 units. Determine C if (a) C = A + B, (b) C = À – B, (c) C = B – A. Give the magnitude and direction for each.
(a) 2.76 in the +x-direction; (b) 13.86 in the +x-direction; (c) 13.86 in the -x-direction
9. An airplane is traveling 785 km/h in a direction 38.5° west of north. (a) Find the components of the velocity vector in the northerly and westerly directions. (b) How far north and how far west has the plane traveled after 3.00 h?
(a) 614 km/h, 489 km/h; (b) 1.84 x 10^3 km, 1.47 x 10^3 km
11. (II) Three vectors are shown in Fig. 3-35. Their magnitudes are given in arbitrary units: Determine the sum of the three vectors. Give the resultant in terms of (a) components, (b) magnitude and angle with x axis.
(a) 35.9, 17.3; (b) 39.9, 25.8° above the +x axis
- I'll put the graphs and figures later. :P
- WORKSHEET! It's just one page, back-to-back.
- Long test on WHITE TIGER on AUGUST 18. This is the next level in the tournament and you get plus/minus points for your group depending on your score! The highest will get +20 more points. Give it to Nirvana, please. We're waaaaaay behind. XDD
- I was daydreaming kanina.
- Longtest is on August 25!
- Longtest on Monday about everything we discussed related to reactions.
- I died again on the probset. <_<
Other news
- No classes on Wednesday (QC day) and Friday (Ninoy Aquino day)!
- CREATIVE TEAM! We want your design on David/Alla's email by

August 16, 2009 at 4:42 AM
teka, saturday classes? jan 30? nde ba prom naten un?? o.O
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Hi. :-h