- pick your favorite chemical or compound and look up its MSDS (safety guidelines)
- pick your favorite microorganism or whatnought and look up its BSL (bio safety level)
- finalize groupings and work on topic selection
- Acquire the prelab handout and accomplish it. Not sure if it's on the Bio site.
- Shoeboxes - deadliest deadline on Monday.
- Write a creative, narrative passage about someone. Describe physical characteristics.
- Bring a copy of the Noli or some other descriptive Filipino book.
- BONUS homework (to make up for our fantastic scores in Sir Nat's quizzes): vance p. 99, #2, letters A,C,E,F.
- Decide when you want our fourth math period: tuesday, thursday, or suggest another alternative.
- For me, Elihu, Kent, Noel, and Chester: Jai Freaking Ho.
- Look through Sir Tan's blogspot. I think the link is
- Probset and Long Test next Week
- Accomplish the probset, all fourteen pages. Due second meeting next week.
- Long Test on the first meeting.
In other news, the officers have had their first official meeting :D If I remember to photocopy Chari's handout, we can discuss it all at homeroom.
Still waiting for Chuck Norris to assume his throne as Strontium's missing member.
June 27, 2009 at 7:40 AM
It's there already,the Bio Pre-lab.
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Hi. :-h